Friday, July 12, 2013


The “Millennial Generation” (under 30 yrs of age) is in need of  zealous prayers by we the 'Mom Prayer Warriors'!  We all can agree in our own lives (and even families) that on a continual basis we are seeing the belief system of young people not deteriorating  but actually deteriorated! I know this sounds quite hopeless...but we never stop as parents who BELIEVE IN GOD;  having hope that God will rise up this generation! He is pretty good about raising the dead! 

This generation of young adults has been lost in the society of religion, for many years now. We cannot go back, but we can start now by allowing the Holy Spirit to open our own spiritual eyes to this truth. Just because our children have attended church with us their entire lives, does NOT mean they have an intimate relationship with Jesus. The HOME is the foundation of their lives. What is allowed, what is lived out, what is done and not done will be the core of any child's belief system. Being diligent as a parent filled with the Love and Grace that comes from spending our own time alone with God is what will strengthen the spiritual chords of your child's foundations. 

Read what renown writer and speaker on youth  [ Josh Mcdowell ] shares;  "While parents need to fear what their children could be tempted to do, they need to be more concerned with what their children are led to believe Their attitudes and actions spring from their value system, and their value system is based on what they believe."

In my talks with many parents, I constantly here them express with great frustrations, about their youth's attitudes.  Recall what you just read; "...attitudes spring from their value system." Isn't this where we need to begin as parents, by going back to what our own children value? Some may laugh and say, "It's just a phase, I did this too when I was there age."  Don't disregard your children's attitudes, ask God to reveal to you what your child's value system is. I guarantee you, He indeed will reveal some heavy stuff to you that will not be easy to address. With your husband, address this carefully with your child. Have you allowed ungodly music in your home and in your child's spirit? [Question the lyrics, the music videos, the life style of the vocalists...etc.] What about television and movies? The reason this is difficult because this also glides right into our own Value Systems as well. But, we must ask- how much do we love our Lord Jesus, as well as how much do we love our children? Sacrifice to protect our children is worth it...wouldn't you agree? Please parents, be careful who your teens decide to spend a great deal of their time with. What is the value and belief system of these individuals? We all know that this stage in a persons life is the most formidable. Of course we do not want our children isolated, but Godly wisdom is vital.  Lastly here, we also need to help our children discover a Biblical Value System as well. Starting with much prayer.  Pray and meditate, the Lord will direct your steps.

 We also need to pray for the foundations to be sure according to the Word of God. "Most teens in evangelical churches today say they believe in the God of the Bible, 63 percent also believe Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, and all other people pray to the same god, even though they use different names for their god.  Though 87 percent of teens believe Jesus was a real person who came to earth, and 78 percent believe He was born to a virgin, nearly half (46 percent) believe He committed sins and more than half (51 percent) say He died, but did not rise from the dead."  [ Josh McDowell ]  Raising our children faithfully in church is vital. But, making sure they 'know-that-they-know' what you as a Christian believe in is far more important. Truth is, they can know (in their minds) but still not have a relationship with Christ. KNOWING is a faith act--realizing that there is a God; who did send His Son to die for our sins and this same Son rose from the dead, so all mankind (when they accept Him to live within their hearts) may be saved. It is a response on what they know, see, and feel within their own specific life. As a parent, encourage them as as much as possible to pray with you, gently ask them about their devotion and prayer life on their own, is (as parents) a God given responsibility. I am sorry to say, but this has slid through the hearts and hands of most Christian parents. 

 Today's youth as we observe, have created their own religion (belief systems). Yesterday, I spent the day with my daughters at the city pool. I found my self observing the young people, hearing their conversations, seeing their dress & tattoos on their body and knowing some of them personally. My heart just broke. You see, when we are filled with God's Spirit; He bestows on us the vision to see people's hearts. It's not hard to see the emptiness, pain, anger, confusion; to see searching hearts. So, what are they to do but to tailor their own Faith/Belief system. Where they can feel some type of affirmant  in who they are and then they have the release to do and say what they please. I like what Josh McDowell said; "They are led to believe it is better to construct a tailor-made faith that is right for them by choosing from various concepts of God and religion. They are being encouraged to piece their faith together themselves; that way it will be right for them personally, and will offend no one."  [ Josh McDowell ]

This is where the danger lies, our kids are living out life styles that are destroying their bodies, relationships, finances, mental health, and their souls! It is astounding to see kids we all love start living out opposite what we as parents believe in God's Word. Kids having babies, literally believing in Zombies and making it their own groupie religion, addicted to video games (playing them all day long), alcohol is at a rise in this generation, free thinkers and 80% of this age group will be "disengaged" in their Christian faith and church before they are 30. [Barna Group] They also will disengage more so from their godly family (parents) and bind to those who are 'like-minded'. All viewing their parents, and the church from their childhood as a nice but fruitless entity.  Newsweek reporter John Leland discovered, “Even more than their baby-boomer parents,'youth' often pick and choose what works for them. … As they sample from various faiths, students have become more accepting of each other’s beliefs, even when those beliefs are stringent." 
Initially they believe truth is not true for them until they choose to believe it!

What is our HOPE in all of this? The answer is WHO ARE HOPE IS IN! Glory to God, Jesus still reigns! His Power, His Grace, His love and His Promises still flow continuously.  He has given us the opportunity to seek His Face. He is not shaken, nor is He surprised ... but He does really care! He wants us as mothers to hear His Voice, be pliable in His Hands so He in turn can use us to affect our children and pierce the darkness that has invaded their lives. Fast and pray, pray through till the peace of God has filled your hearts with that affirming knowledge that 'All is Well'! 

Pray for God to send you, and others to our children and all young people to live out and speak out the Love of Jesus. Pray that there are easy accessible opportunities for young people to attend rally's,  concerts, revivals that are geared for their age group but speak the untainted true Word of God. Today is the day of salvation. Hold true my sister...God will penetrate the heart of your son and daughter. Stand still and see the true salvation of God!

Deuteronomy 19:15 "by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established."

Psalms 112:1,2  "Blessed is the man that fears the Lord, that delights greatly in His commandments. His seed shall be mightily upon the earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed." 

Is 54:13,14   "All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.In
righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear,
and from terror, for it shall not come near you."

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